Bacterial Pesticidal Protein
Resource Center

Information to enhance biological
control of insect pests


The Bacterial Pesticidal Protein Resource Center (BPPRC) provides information on the rapidly expanding field of pesticidal proteins for academics, regulators, and research and development personnel. ​

Bacillus thuringiensis is no longer the sole source of pesticidal proteins. Recent genomic sequence data mining has shown that an ever-widening range of bacteria produce such proteins. This site provides information on the recently revised nomenclature system that clarifies the naming of newly discovered proteins, details on bacterial sources and an interactive database containing protein sequences and associated information. ​

Citing the BPPRC:
Crickmore, N., Berry, C., Panneerselvam, S., Mishra, R., Connor, T.R. and Bonning, B.C. Bacterial Pesticidal Protein Resource Center, viewed (date that you accessed the site),

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